About Me

I’m Emmett Elling, a beekeeper, farm kid, and entrepreneur.

From an early age, I have always been interested in bees getting my first hive when I was 11 years old. I threw myself into beekeeping shortly thereafter by attending statewide honey producer events, completing the local North Iowa Community College beekeeping certification program, and learning from local beekeeping mentors through the North Iowa Beekeeping Club.

Now years later, Iowa Bee is my business located on my family’s 150-year-old heritage farm. The raw honey produced from my 30+ hives is collected locally and bottled in north-central Iowa outside of Latimer, Iowa.

I continue to grow my apiary services expanding into different types of honey (wildflower, buckwheat honey, cashew honey) but also offering, honey bees for sale in the form of packages and nucs, and providing pollination services for specialty crops and groves.

Importance of Pollinators

Teaching the importance of pollinators to people of all ages has been something that has always been a goal of Iowa Bee. We give presentations at the following events

Community Agriculture Days
Local School Classroom Presentations
County & State Fairs
Local Community Groups & Orgs